Ghostly statues of an abandoned town
by Ustad | 08:29 in death vally, fear, ghost town, las vagas, pics, strangest |
Children's Drawings Become Stuffed Toys
by Ustad | 04:21 in brilliant, cool, fantastic, fun, idea, pics, stuff, toys, wow |
European SUPERBUS Going +300Kp/h
by Ustad | 04:53 in beautiful, cool, nice, superbus, technology, video |
Meteor ? Space Rock ? UFO PARTS ? What is this strange object i found, anyone know?
by Ustad | 14:15 in expensive, meteor, rock, strangest, video, wow |
Trucks and Buses of Pakistan
by Ustad | 04:22 in amazing, beautiful, buses, cool, decorative, fun, pics |
The worlds Biggest house........
by Ustad | 09:39 in amazing, biggest, cool, expencive, gold car, richest, video |
Living on 9,800 °F This is Fact
by Ustad | 00:00 in amazing, facts, informative, pics, real, unbelievable |
Bodyart - Arts manifestations of himself
by Ustad | 02:51 in amazing, beautiful, bodyart, coins, nice, pics, wow |
The most beautiful waterfall in Croatia
by Ustad | 01:43 in amazing, beauty, cool, fall, nature, pics |
Authors rankings say that all nominees are not amenable to rational explanation and emit in excess of possible aggression, what can be represented in reality.
Funny Crashes Compilation - Best Fails Ever
by Ustad | 03:16 in best, fails, funniest, laughter, video |
Wildfires in Texas and Oklahoma
by Ustad | 02:54 in amazing, destroyed, destruction, Oklahoma, pics, Texas, wildfires |
Morpheus Wing-in-Ground Effect Superyacht Tender Concept
by Ustad | 08:27 in concept, electric, flying, idea, super yacht, video |
World's Best - Nature's Fury - Gushing Geysers
by Ustad | 05:13 in amazing, extreme, geysers, video, weird, yellow stone |
by Ustad | 08:46 in Bunol Spain, crazy, festival 2011, fun, pics, strange, tomatina |
In popular "Battle of food" in the east of Bunol Spain, August 31, were involved with the use of tons of overripe tomatoes. La Tomatina festival, held annually on the last Wednesday of August, is known for a long tradition. According to one version, he goes back to the 1940s. Then a group of young people taking part in the parade "gigantes y cabezudos" (giants and big heads), first used the tomatoes with vegetable stalls as a weapon. In 2011, take part in the battle were about 40 thousand people from around the world. One of the participants in the Battle of tomatoes after the annual Tomatina festival.